Tuesday, August 2, 2011


It's been a few months since I've updated the blog, but rest assured we've been playing shows and doing our regular thing.  Last week we had the chance to play an all Negative Approach cover set at the Dudefest after show in a tiny studio at the Murphy Building in Indianapolis.  We had a great fucking time.

We'll be back down in Indianapolis on August 12 to play with Shaved Christ (members of American Cheeseburger, Cop Dope, Hot New Mexicans, and Bold Slugs)  T-shirts should also be available by this date.

If you're in Ohio this Friday (August 5) you might find us at Howard's.  We're still checking on that one.

Otherwise we're still working on some new jams, a few which have creeped into our set.

Lastly, if you're interested in picking up one of our demo tapes, we're just about out, so if you won't be seeing us soon and want a copy you can order one at www.midwesterndecline2.bigcartel.com.
